FOTS - Friends of the School 
The Friends of St Mary Bourne School is a charitable association and our primary objective is to 'advance the education of the pupils of the school'. As a well-supported committee we engage in a number of activities and events throughout the year to support the school and all its pupils. This can be in the form of raising funds like class bake sales or children's discos to fetes and event evenings, as well as not for profit undertakings like 'Ground Force Day' and welcoming coffee mornings.
As a close community we foster extended relationships between the staff, parents and others within the school to offer all pupils the best opportunities we can. Friends of St Mary Bourne School have raised thousands of pounds in the past to provide new books for the library, IT resources and equipment, music services and pantomime trips among many others.
We are a friendly team who put in every effort to enhance and enrich every child's education within St Mary Bourne School above and beyond the basics. If you are interested in joining us please do get in touch by email to and follow us on Facebook (Friends of St Mary Bourne School).
You can make donations to the school by going through the Easy Fundraising site then following the links to your chosen retailer
Information on more ways to raise funds for the school coming soon.
We have created an Amazon Wish list to enable parents to help the school keep up with the many items they would love but are unable to afford. The list contains some 'special' items which would add to and enhance class experiences. It also contains some very basic items which we use every day. The link can be found on Google classroom.
Thank you to everyone for the items bought so far.