St. Mary Bourne School

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Our Governors

Our Governing Body

Michael Ball – Chair of Governors:

My wife and I have lived locally for 15 years, and both of our children attended the school and are currently at secondary school. I became a governor to help the school and add value where I can using the skills I have developed in the business world; I am a Chartered Surveyor. I am currently the Chair and additionally I have responsibility for Health and Safety and I sit on the Pay Committee. Outside of work and school I am a keen runner and enjoy exploring the trails of the North Wessex Downs.

Johanna Perry – Vice Chair:

I was co-opted to be a School Governor for St Mary Bourne in January 2022.

My Partner Richard, and I have lived in Egbury for 12 years now.

We farm an arable farm with 6 pet sheep.

I have 4 children all in their 30s and 2 granddaughters, both 2.  One of my daughters has learning disabilities.  I hope that I can be of value to the school and am very much looking forward to being involved with school activities.  In my free time, I love walking, running, cold water swimming and looking after my grandchildren and my sheep! 

Tim Raworth:

I have been a governor of St Mary Bourne Primary since 2013 initially as a parent governor and then as a co-opted governor. I have 3 daughters, now 18, 16 and 14 who were all at St Mary Bourne throughout their primary education. In my professional life I have worked in IT for many years in roles from programming through to management.  In my current role I work in Asset Management for a sovereign wealth fund. Where possible I try to use my professional experience and that as a governor to support the governing body in its role.

As a governor of the school, I have previously chaired the Curriculum committee, been vice chair and am currently the Chair of the Head Teachers Performance Management committee.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a governor both as a parent and then as a co-opted governor. 

Kim Aziz:

I was co-opted to be a School Governor for St Mary Bourne in December 2022.

I have lived in St Mary Bourne since 2010 with my husband Khalid and we both cannot believe how lucky we are to have found this amazing valley.

I have 4 grown up children (one now living in St Mary Bourne) and one of my granddaughters is due to start at St Mary Bourne this year.  

I have management experience with our own communications and coaching business and hope that my professional activities will be useful as a Governor, along with my love of small people!

Mark Brown:

I have lived in the Andover area since the age of 9 and my career covered nearly 40 years working for Waitrose. I started as a Saturday assistant and never left! My career covered managing in shops and also a range of Head Office based roles- a wonderfully varied and fulfilling career.

In 2023 I took early retirement and started looking for voluntary work opportunities and becoming a Governor at St Mary Bourne School was my first role, starting in January 2024.

Whilst I had no previous experience in the Education sector, I am really enjoying the experience and my small role in assisting the school in its ongoing development.

I live locally and in my spare time I enjoy cricket (watching rather than playing) and can often be found in the summer watching Kent play at their beautiful ground in Canterbury (my birthplace) and I am also a loyal and ever optimistic Tottenham Hotspur fan!

Clare Lynas:

I became a co-opted governor in May 2023. I have three adult sons and my husband works in commercial theatre.  I spent my career in Education, teaching in both primary and secondary sectors, from Reception age to sixth form, in both independent and state schools, most recently as Deputy Head for 4 years and Head for 7 years in different prep schools.  I am now retired, living up the hill at Crux Easton, enjoying running, writing and the natural world and I am keen to become better acquainted with the St Mary Bourne community.

Kris Barraclough:

I have lived locally since 2011. I am an innovative engineer with a first class masters degree in Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering.  I ran many summer schools in engineering for underprivileged, women only (due to the imbalance at the time) and high achievers.   I want to support St Mary Bourne Primary School in any way I can whilst my son is there and after. I look forward to volunteering where the school needs me and to support in all ways that brings value to the school, through the team and for the head teacher, Mrs Hopkins. 

Jig Atwal-Patel:

I was co-opted as a school governor in May 2024. I live in Burghclere, near Newbury, with my wife and two daughters, one of whom is in secondary school and the other in primary. My professional background is in Physics and Software Engineering, and I'm a Chartered Physicist and IT Professional. For the last decade, I have worked in Business Transformation, helping organisations develop and improve how they operate whilst ensuring people are supported through their change journeys. I was seeking out a volunteering opportunity to support mental health and wellbeing; becoming a school governor felt like an ideal match, allowing me to give something back to the local community that makes use of my professional experience. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family, planning holidays, watching movies and enjoying Harry Potter things with my superfan daughters.

St Mary Bourne School: Governors’ Diversity Statement

The Board of Governors at St Mary Bourne School is committed to promoting equality and diversity across the School’s activities and to ensuring that established principles of equality and diversity are embedded and demonstrated throughout the School.

The Board welcomes interest in membership from all those who will support us in our objectives and will contribute to the strength and success of our school community. For the avoidance of any possible doubt, we confirm that we continue to welcome and will consider all applications regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

In the selection of appointees to office within the Board, we consider the benefits of diversity (alongside appropriate skills and experience) for the management of the Board and its affairs. The Board therefore warmly welcomes applications from potential governors from all areas of the wider community.




 Governor Attendance 2023-2024